In accordance with the Group’s R&D strategy, research projects implemented in 2016 focused on:
- improving product quality,
- streamlining the operation of selected production lines,
- developing innovative product technologies.
In implementing those projects, the parent closely cooperated with a number of universities and scientific institutions.
In 2016, the research and development work focused on:
- enhancing the fertilizer manufacturing process through appropriate selection of inorganic additives, as well as anti-dust and anti-moisture agents, to maintain high quality of fertilizers, both in transport and storage,
- continued development of new fertilizer formulas using, among other components, magnesium sulfate and other additives to enhance effectiveness of fertilizers,
- development of new varieties of modified plastics, with the use of various additives to expand the range of specialist applications of the plastics,
- research into reduction of caprolactam manufacturing costs and further improvement of the product quality through optimisation of operation of selected process nodes,
- continued development of new product technologies,
- feasibility studies into possibilities of entering new areas of business,
- development of a new technology for the production of iron catalyst with enhanced properties,
- completion of a project to develop technologies for decomposition of waste sodium sulfate solutions into sulfuric acid and soda lye. The project was co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development, and conducted in partnership with the New Chemical Syntheses Institute in Gliwice.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
In 2016, Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY focused on:
- developing new and enhancing existing technologies,
- improving the company’s products.
The key R&D initiatives included:
- On December 6th 2016, the National Centre for Research and Development signed an agreement to co-finance a project carried out by Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY under the INNOCHEM industry programme (‘Development of the process for obtaining ε-caprolactone from cyclohexanone and hydrogen peroxide with use of chemo-enzymatic catalysis’ (KAPROPOL)).
- Under the INNOCHEM programme, in 2016 the company received co-financing for development and implementation of advanced process controls for the ammonia unit. The project’s objective is to upgrade the unit’s control system, to improve the process stability, and to ensure optimum conditions of the unit’s operation.
- In 2016 the company continued the project ‘Support for low-emission agriculture to adapt to climate change now and within the 2030 and 2050 timeframes (LCAgri)”, co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development. The project’s objective is to improve efficiency of resource utilisation by implementing innovative low-carbon solutions and by promoting sustainable application of mineral fertilizers in the Polish farming industry.
In 2016, the R&D activities at Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN focused on:
- development of R&D facilities,
- work on fertilizers and plasticizers.
Main research and development work:
- research into new types of plasticizers (non-phthalates), and potential non-alcohol processing of butyraldehydes (intermediate product of OXO synthesis). The company continued research into expanding the offering of non-phthalate plasticizers, including bio-based plasticizers;
- research into new compound fertilizers, including with fertilizers higher magnesium content;
- the National Centre for Research and Development awarded Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN grants for several projects, including:
- a project to develop technology for obtaining specialty esters (‘Review of new technological and process solutions for a wide range of innovative non-phthalic polyester plasticizers in experimental development work on a pilot unit, including with the use of bio-renewable succinic acid’),
- a project to establish R&D Centre, mainly to conduct research into product applications, and
- two research projects in the fertilizer industry.
Grupa Azoty POLICE
In 2016, the company’s R&D activities focused on:
- research to develop new and enhance the existing technologies,
- pilot technical tests,
- feasibility studies, analyses and expert reports.
The R&D activities were conducted in partnership with research institutions in Poland and abroad.
The work included:
- adjustment of production processes to the requirements of the upcoming fertilizer regulation. In In anticipation of the expected requirements to reduce permitted levels of fertilizer contaminants (Cd, Ni, Cr, Pb, As, Hg), the company expended extra effort to improve the quality of its phosphoric acid;
- review of the possibilities to recycle and reuse waste from the manufacturing of titanium white and phosphoric acid;
- verification of the possibility of producing NOXy® solution directly from urea solution discharged from the synthesis unit, an alternative to the currently used NOXy® production method. The new method would reduce the load on the cristallization unit by the amount of urea used in the production of NOXy®, thus enhancing the overall throughput and efficiency of the unit and reducing energy consumption;
- research into a new type of titanium white, to expand product portfolio. The work was focused on improved properties of the output pigment and on application tests;
- research into the method of manufacturing liquid fertilizers and speciality fertilizers using semi-finished products and by-products available at the company.