Total number and par value of Grupa Azoty shares, holdings of the shares by supervisory and management personnel, and interests of such persons in the parent’s related entities
Number and par value of shares as at the date of issue of this report:
- 24,000,000 Series AA shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share,
- 15,116,421 Series B shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share,
- 24,999,023 Series C shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share,
- 35,080,040 Series D shares with a par value of PLN 5 per share (issued in 2013).
The total number of Grupa Azoty shares is 99,195,484 (ISIN code PLZATRM00012).
As at December 31st 2016 and as at the date of this report, none of the members of the parent’s Management or Supervisory Board held any shares in the parent’s share capital.
As at the date of this report, none of the parent’s supervisory or management personnel held any shares in the parent’s related parties.
Agreements concerning shares
There are no agreements known to the Company which may cause future changes in the percentages of shares held by the existing shareholders and bondholders.
Control system for employee share ownership plan
The Company does not operate any control system for employee share ownership plan.
Treasury shares held by the parent
The parent holds no treasury shares. The Group companies hold no shares in the parent.