Guarantees and sureties
Guarantees and sureties, including guarantees and sureties issued to and received from related parties
Sureties for credit facilities
Surety for overdraft facility with PKO BP
Following execution of Annex 2 to a multi-purpose credit facility on September 20th 2016, on the same date the Grupa Azoty S.A.’s key subsidiaries, including Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY, Grupa Azoty POLICE and Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN, entered into an agreement to grant sureties in favour of PKO Bank Polski S.A. securing the repayment of debt under the PLN 240m multi-purpose credit facility, which superseded the previous surety agreement of April 23rd 2015.
Each surety provider granted a surety covering the parent’s liabilities under the MPCF agreement, with the proviso that the aggregate amount of those sureties would not exceed 120% of the facility amount, that is PLN 288m in aggregate, at any time during the facility term, irrespective of whether new entities accede to the surety agreement. The share of each surety provider in the aggregate surety amount specified above is one-third (1/3), therefore the amount of surety granted by each surety provider was set at no more than PLN 96m.
Following execution of Annex 13 to an overdraft facility on September 20th 2016, on the same date the Grupa Azoty S.A.’s key subsidiaries, including Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY, Grupa Azoty POLICE and Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN, entered into an agreement to grant sureties in favour of PKO Bank Polski S.A. securing the repayment of debt under the PLN 310m overdraft facility, which superseded the previous surety agreement of April 23rd 2015.
Each surety provider granted a surety covering the parent’s liabilities under the overdraft facility agreement, with the proviso that the aggregate amount of those sureties would not exceed 120% of the facility amount, that is PLN 372m in aggregate, at any time during the facility term, irrespective of whether new entities accede to the surety agreement. The share of each surety provider in the aggregate surety amount specified above is one-third (1/3), therefore the amount of surety granted by each surety provider was set at not more than PLN 124m (for details, see Current Report No. 52/2016 of September 20th 2016).
Sureties issued during the financial year upon instructions of the Group companies
Type of and parties to the surety | Issue date | Security for | Surety amount (PLN ’000) | Expiry date |
Surety for credit facility from PKO BP (MPCF), granted by Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN to the parent | Sep 20 2016 | Multi-purpose credit facility agreement | 96,000 | Sep 20 2019 |
Surety for credit facility from PKO BP (MPCF), granted by Grupa Azoty POLICE to the parent | Sep 20 2016 | Multi-purpose credit facility agreement | 96 000 | Sep 20 2019 |
Surety for credit facility from PKO BP (MPCF), granted by Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY to the parent | Sep 20 2016 | Multi-purpose credit facility agreement | 96,000 | Sep 20 2019 |
Surety for credit facility from PKO BP (overdraft), granted by Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN to the parent | Sep 20 2016 | Overdraft facility agreement | 124,000 | Sep 20 2019 |
Surety for credit facility from PKO BP (overdraft), granted by Grupa Azoty POLICE to the parent | Sep 20 2016 | Overdraft facility agreement | 124,000 | Sep 20 2019 |
Surety for credit facility from PKO BP (overdraft), granted by Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY to the parent | Sep 20 2016 | Overdraft facility agreement | 124,000 | Sep 20 2019 |
Surety for credit facility from BNP Paribas, granted by Grupa Azoty POLICE to AFRIG S.A. | Sep 20 2016 (annex) | Multi-Purpose Credit Facility Agreement | 97,328 (EUR 22m) | Dec 18 2024 |
Source: Company data
Sureties granted after the reporting period
The parent’s Supervisory Board approved the grant of surety to Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers GmbH of up to EUR 1,800 thousand, as security for a grant advanced by Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB) to finance 20% of capital expenditure on construction of a logistics centre in Guben, Germany.
On February 14th 2017, the parent and Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers GmbH (the parent’s subsidiary) signed a surety agreement under which the parent granted to the subsidiary a surety of up to EUR 1,800 thousand.
The surety was granted to secure a EUR 1.5m grant advanced to Grupa Azoty ATT Polymers GmbH by ILB to finance 20% of capital expenditure on construction of a logistics centre in Guben, Germany (the total amount of investment project is EUR 7.47m).
Guarantees issued upon instruction of the Group
In 2016, the Group did not issue any guarantees whose total amount would exceed 10% of the parent’s equity.
Guarantees issued during the financial year by or upon instruction of the Group companies
Type and parties | Issue date | Security for | Guarantee amount (PLN ‘000) | Expiry date |
Bank guarantee issued to GTC Force Sp. z o.o. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | Jan 5 2016 | Contract No. 001/GTC/2015 − Delivery and assembly of complete C&I systems as part of two projects: ‘Construction of gas compression station at the Czarna Sędziszowska gas extraction facility’ and ‘Delivery and assembly of additional compressor at the Dzików Gas processing facility of the Lubaczów gas extraction facility’ | 43 | Dec 9 2018 |
Bank guarantee issued to PGE S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty POLICE | Mar 8 2016 | Performance bond under open tender | 316 | Apr 30 2018 |
Bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN in favour of PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A. | Mar 17 2016 | Performance bond under contract for supply of 40% solution of technical-grade urea to Elektrownia Opole | 135 | Apr 30 2018 |
Bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN in favour of PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna S.A. | Mar 17 2016 | Performance bond under contract for supply of 40% solution of technical-grade urea to Elektrownia Turów | 373 | Apr 30 2018 |
Standby letter of credit issued to MET upon instruction of Grupa Azoty POLICE | May 4 2016 | Security for payment of contract price (flue gas treatment unit at EC-II CHP plant) | 5,433 (USD 1.3m) | Dec 31 2016 |
Bank guarantee issued to Honeywell Sp. z o.o. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | May 30 2016 | Sub-contractor agreement of January 28th 2016 for supply of goods and provision of services for KGHM Smelter project | 76 | May 30 2018 |
Guarantee issued to Mostostal Zabrze Realizacje Przemysłowe S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Prorem Sp. z o.o. | Jul 11 2016 | Performance bond, non-related party | 396 | Jul 10 2019 |
Bank guarantee issued to INŻYNIERIA RZESZÓW upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | Jul 14 2016 | Sub-Contractor agreement No. 24/546/2016/P for delivery and assembly of complete electrical and C&I systems, with auxiliary services as part of the investment project ‘Extension and reconstruction of components of the sedimentation section of the wastewater treatment plant in Tarnów’ | 301 | May 31 2017 |
Bank guarantee issued to ELEKTROBUDOWA S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | Jul 21 2016 | Sub-Contractor agreement No. 1132-3201/Z/011/2015/PZ for delivery and assembly of complete C&I system for the investment project ‘Construction of new heat generating unit with circulating fluidized bed boiler, ca. 50−60 MWe heating and condensing turbine at the Tychy Generation Plant of TAURON Ciepło S.A.’ | 93 | Jul 20 2019 |
Guarantee issued to SABIC (Saudi Arabia) upon instruction of Prozap Sp. z o.o. | Jul 22 2016 | Advance payment guarantee | 252 | Mar 31 2017 |
Guarantee issued to Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY upon instruction of Remzap Sp. z o.o. | Aug 13 2016 | Performance bond | 58 | Jul 1 2018 |
Bank guarantee issued to Valmet Automation Sp. z o.o. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | Aug 25 2016. | Contract No. 198/K/PR/511591/2015 for delivery and assembly of complete C&I system for the investment project ‘Construction of the Municipal Waste Disposal Plant in Białystok’ | 65 | Jan 30 2018 |
Bank guarantee issued to VALMET AUTOMATION Sp. z o.o. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | Aug 25 2016. | Contract No. 228/K/PR/511504_ZAK/2016 for delivery, assembly and start-up of C&I system in Phase 1 of the investment project ‘Construction of new CHP plant at Zakłady Azotowe KĘDZIERZYN S.A.’ | 476 | Jan 13 2017 |
Guarantee issued to urea supplier upon instruction of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY | Sep 9 2016 | The guarantee was issued under the multi-purpose credit facility agreement concluded with PKO Bank Polski S.A. | USD 500 thousand | Aug 31 2017 |
Bank guarantee issued to Zeppelin Systems GmbH Friedrichshafen upon instruction of Grupa Azoty Automatyka Sp. z o.o. | Nov 3 2016. | Contract for design, delivery and assembly of control equipment for the pneumatic handling system of the Polyamide Unit at Grupa Azoty’s Tarnów plant | 160 | Jan 6 2017 |
Bank guarantee issued to GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty POLICE | Dec 1 2016 | Payment guarantee for gas transmission contract | 4,301 | Nov 30 2017 |
Bank guarantee issued to PSE S.A. upon instruction of Grupa Azoty POLICE | Dec 15 2016 | Payment guarantee for electricity transmission contract | 300 | Apr 30 2017 |
Bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. upon Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN’s instruction Świeże Górne | Dec 21 2016 | Performance bond under Contract No. RZP-WnJ.2100.2.2016/1 | 212 | Jan 31 2018 |
Source: Company data
Guarantees amended upon instruction of the Group
In 2016, the Group did not sign any annexes to amend its guarantees whose amount would exceed 10% of the parent’s equity.
Guarantees amended during the financial year upon instruction of the Group companies
Type and parties | Issue date | Security for | Guarantee amount (PLN ‘000) | Expiry date |
Annexes to the bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to the Customs Chamber upon Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN’s instruction | Mar 17 2016 – Annex 1 Apr 22 2016 – Annex 2 Apr 29 2016 – Annex 3 | Customs debt payment guarantee | 100 | Dec 31 2016 (+ 60 days, i.e. until Mar 1 2017) |
Annex to the guarantee issued to the Szczecin Customs Chamber upon Grupa Azoty POLICE’s instruction | Mar 18 2016 | Customs debt payment guarantee | 4,000 | Mar 23 2017 |
Annex to the bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. upon the parent’s instruction | Nov 04 2016 – Annex 5 | Security deposit for gas transmission contract | 63 | Nov 30 2017 |
Annex to the bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. upon the parent’s instruction | Nov 4 2016 – Annex 6 | Security deposit for gas transmission contract | 1,151 | Nov 30 2017 |
Annex to the bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. upon the parent’s instruction | Nov 04 2016 – Annex 5 | Security deposit for gas transmission contract | 841 | Nov 30 2017 |
Annex to the bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. upon Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN’s instruction | Nov 10 2016 – Annex 2 | Security for Transmission Contract No. 2012/U/1126/ZUP of December 3rd 2012, as amended | 3,105 | Nov 30 2017 |
Annexes to the bank guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to OGP GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. upon Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN’s instruction | Nov 10 2016 – Annex 1 Apr 22 2016 – Annex 2 Apr 29 2016 – Annex 3 | Security for Transmission Contract No. 2014/U/9040/ZUP of March 11th 2014, as amended | 90 | Nov 30 2017 |
Annex to the guarantee issued by PKO Bank Polski S.A. to the PSE S.A. upon Grupa Azoty POLICE’s instruction | Nov 15 2016 | Payment guarantee for electricity transmission contract | 800 | Dec 31 2017 |
Annex to the guarantee issued to the Kraków Customs Chamber upon the parent’s instruction | Nov 30 2016 | Customs debt payment guarantee | 450 | Mar 1 2018 |
Annex to the standby letter of credit issued to MET upon instruction of Grupa Azoty POLICE | Dec 28 2016 | Security for payment of contract price (flue gas treatment unit at EC-II CHP plant) | 5,433 (USD 1.3m) | Dec 31 2017 |
Source: Company data
Letters of credit
Letters of credit issued at the request of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY
On February 4th 2016, at the request of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY, PKO Bank Polski S.A. issued an import letter of credit for EUR 1,496 thousand, expiring on August 19th 2016, for the benefit of an equipment vendor. The letter of credit was issued under a multi-purpose credit facility agreement. On August 23rd 2016, the letter of credit was settled.
Letter of credit issued at the request of Grupa Azoty POLICE
On May 4th 2016, at the request of Grupa Azoty POLICE, PKO Bank Polski S.A. issued a standby letter of credit for USD 1,300 thousand, expiring on December 31st 2016, as payment bond for the contract for construction of a flue gas treatment unit at the EC II CHP plant.