Notes to the consolidated financial statements
- 1. Revenue
- 2. Operating expenses
- 2.1. Cost of sales
- 2.2. Employee benefit expenses
- 3. Other income
- 4. Other expenses
- 5. Finance income
- 6. Finance costs
- 7. Income tax expense
- 8. Discontinued operations
- 9. Earnings per share
- 10. Property, plant and equipment
- 11. Perpetual usufruct right
- 12.1. Goodwill
- 12. Intangible assets
- 13. Investment property
- 14. Financial assets
- 15. Inventories
- 16. Property rights
- 17.1. Prepayments
- 17. Trade and other receivables
- 18. Cash and cash equivalents
- 19. Other assets
- 20. Capital and reserves
- 20.2. Share premium
- 20.3. Hedging reserve
- 20.4. Non-controlling interests
- 20.5. Acquisition of non-controlling interests
- 20.6. Dividends
- 21. Loans
- 22. Other financial liabilities
- 23. Operating Leases
- 24. Employee benefits
- 25. Provisions
- 26.1. Accrued expenses
- 26. Trade and other payables
- 27. Government grants
- 28. Financial instruments
- 28.2. Categories of financial instruments
- 28.3.1. Credit risk
- 28.3.2. Liquidity risk
- 28.3.3. Market risk
- 28.3. Financial risk management
- 28.4. Fair value of financial instruments
- 28.5. Derivatives
- 28.6. Hedge accounting
- 29. Contingent liabilities, contingent assets and guarantees
- 30. Related party transactions
- 31. Capital commitments
- Segment reporting