Sponsorship and charity activities
The Group treats its social responsibilities and cooperation with the communities in which operates as matters of strategic and long-term importance. Social, sponsorship, and charitable initiatives are key elements contributing to the implementation of the long-term development strategy of the Group. Through its engagement in such initiatives, the Group promotes its image of both financially strong and socially responsible business.
The multifaceted and advanced nature of these activities make the Group companies active participants of the local community life, providing support where it is most needed.
Social and sponsorship policy
The social and sponsorship activities are pursued in compliance with the “Group Policy and Rules of Social and Sponsorship Activities”, formulated and implemented in 2013, and charitable initiatives are governed by the “Group Donation Policy” and the “Grupa Azoty S.A. Donation Policy”, adopted in 2013.
Directions for the social and sponsorship activities:
- Investments benefiting the local community, solving social issues, charitable assistance in the form of cash and non-cash donations and services, addressed directly to the communities or to charitable organisations, NGOs and non-profit organisations,
- Social and sponsorship projects relating to local initiatives, often with a supraregional, or even international, media coverage,
- Social and sponsorship projects relating to nationwide or international initiatives, going beyond the framework of local initiatives.
Objectives of the social and sponsorship activities:
- Building a positive image of the Group as a people- and environmentally-friendly business,
- Building the Group’s and its companies’ image as socially responsible businesses supporting local initiatives,
- Promoting the Grupa Azoty brand by increasing its recognition outside the group of its customers and buyers of its products,
- Communicating Grupa Azoty’s message to circles which are important for the Company, with focus on the importance of high standards of projects and initiatives implemented by the Group,
- Building the Group’s and its companies’ reputation, and gaining recognition and favourable perception among the public, particularly for the positive role the Group plays in solving social and environmental issues of today’s world,
- Enhancing attractiveness of the regions in which the Group operates as places to live, work, pursue passions, fulfil ambitions; and offering young people the best possible education, health and wellbeing opportunities,
- Supporting promotional and commercial activities.
Social and sponsorship activities of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY in 2016 were conducted in accordance with a plan adopted by the Company’s Management Board and approved by the Supervisory Board. The Company acted in line with the adopted rules on types and forms of assistance.
Grupa Azoty POLICE’s sponsorship activities include sponsoring agreements, agreements for promotional and advertising activities, and donations. Image building and product promotion are carried out through various cultural, educational, scientific, sports and other initiatives.
At Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL, sponsorship activities form a material component of the company’s promotional efforts. The key projects involve brand promotion, building of positive image, support of the local community, and contribution to the development of the Province of Kielce.
Charitable giving policy
The Group-wide donation policy specifies the rules of granting donations. Through donations, the Group seeks to actively respond to the needs of foundations, associations, schools, non-profit organisations and individuals in difficult circumstances. In particular, the Group supports projects contributing to the enhancement of medical care, social and educational development of children and youth, as well as other initiatives benefiting local communities.
The Group builds its socially responsible image in the region by supporting:
- both professional and amateur sports,
- cultural initiatives, including mass cultural events,
- educational institutions for children and youth,
- healthcare institutions providing services to employees and their families,
- research programmes,
- regional environmental initiatives,
- social campaigns.
The Group builds its business-like image by sponsoring:
- professional sports, including sports clubs,
- sports associations, national and international sports competitions, including sports leagues in team sports,
- the Polish Olympic Committee,
- individual athletes, subject to approval by respective national sports associations.
All donations are granted in line with the Group-wide donation policy as well as individuals companies’ rules for granting donations.
In 2016, Grupa Azoty gave donations for initiatives related to: religious worship activities, maintaining and promoting national tradition, support for veterans and victims of repression, health protection and promotion, social welfare, support for the disabled, support for families, motherhood and parenthood, education, activities fostering development of local communities.
Projects supported with Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN’s donations in 2016 involved: health protection and promotion, assistance in difficult situations, support of the World Youth Day, treatment and rehabilitation, support for the disabled, religious worship activities, protection of cultural property, etc.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY engages in projects contributing to better quality of medical care, promoting healthy lifestyles, fostering social and educational development of children and youth, as well as events designed to maintain and promote national tradition, cultivate the Polish national identity, and develop national, civic and cultural awareness. In 2016, organisations supported by the Company included:
- ‘Dajmy Szansę’ Foundation of Milejów, raising funds to finance medical equipment for the independent public healthcare facility in Łęczna;
- ‘Chemik’ Puławy Society for the Promotion of Physical Culture, organising recreational and sports activities for the Company’s employees;
- The Company’s PTTK (Polish Tourist Association) Branch, organising and promoting tourist activities among the Company’s employees;
- Association of Friends of the Puławy Technical School Complex;
- Divine Mercy RC Parish in Puławy, as the organiser of the World Youth Day 2016 in Puławy;
- ‘Przeszłość-Przyszłości’ Association, as the organiser of celebration of the ‘70th Anniversary of Pacification and Burning of Wąwolnica’;
- Foundation for the Support of the Historical Garden in Puławy, which is carrying out revitalization of the courtyard at the Czartoryski Palace in Puławy.
Through donations, Grupa Azoty POLICE actively responds to the needs voiced by the employees, associations, foundations and other organisations in the region. In 2016, organisations supported by Grupa Azoty POLICE included:
- The Municipality of Police, as the organiser of the 2016 Police-Kraków Racing Pilgrimage;
- John Paul II Medical Institute of Szczecin, raising funds for the financing of the final stage of construction and launch of the Rehabilitation Hospital in Szczecin;
- ‘Academia’ Association of Pomerania Instrumentalists, as the organiser of the Sacrum Non Profanum Musical Festival;
- St John the Evangelist Hospice Foundation, raising funds to finance care of terminal cancer patients;
- Elementary schools in Sławęcin, Różnowo Nowogardzkie and Izbica, winners of the ‘Chemistry in Agriculture’ artistic contest;
- Hospital Medical Centre in Goleniów, raising funds for the financing of purchases of anti-bedsore pneumatic mattresses;
- Zbyszek Ulatowski Walrus Club of Winter Swimming Enthusiasts, as the organiser of the Expedition to the Polar Circle project;
- Tanowo Children’s Home, as the organiser of summer holidays for its charges.
Social and sponsorship initiatives for culture
Grupa Azoty S.A. supports a number of cultural events (such as the Grupa Azoty International Jazz Contest, the Tarnów Film Prize) and cultural institutions, including the Krzysztof Penderecki European Centre for Music in Lusławice, the Mościce Arts Centre, the Girls Cathedral Choir Puellae Orantes Association, the City Art Gallery Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych in Tarnów, and the Tarnów Fine Arts Association Zachęta.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY also engages in activities fostering development of the local community by helping to organise cultural events and supporting cultural initiatives. 2016 was another year of the Company’s partnership with the ‘Dom Chemika’ Puławy Cultural Centre, the Zamoyski Museum in Kozłówka, and the Vistula Museum in Kazimierz Dolny. The Company was again a sponsor of events held as part of the ‘All Directions of the World’ classical music festival as well as ‘The Cursed – the Unconquered of the Lublin Region’ cyclic TV programme.
Grupa Azoty POLICE sponsored local cultural institutions, including the Municipal Cultural Centre in Police, ‘Słowianin’ Cultural Centre in Szczecin, Baltic Neopolis Orchestra, and University of Szczecin Choir. The company also supports numerous cultural events, including the Police Day and the Chemists’ Day, a local event enjoying the greatest popularity in the County of Police.
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN sponsors the protection of local cultural heritage, in particular by supporting the activities of the Koźle Region Association, which protects the history and monuments of the Koźle Region and the City of Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The company also provides assistance to the Inland Navigation Youth Brass Orchestra, whose members perform on the most prominent European stages.
The cultural events sponsored by Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL include: the Staszów Bread Day, Harvest Festivals in Osiek and Tuczępy, Szydłów Plum Festival, International Children’s Day, and Krystyna Jamroz International Musical Festival in Busko-Zdrój.
Social and sponsorship initiatives for education of children and the youth
Grupa Azoty S.A. partners with schools and universities not only as part of research programmes, but also in such areas as internships, work placement opportunities and workshops for students; it also works with several other entities to support the education of children and the youth, which include SIEMACHA Association, KANA Catholic Youth Education Centre, I KROPKA Culture and Arts Foundation, General Education School Complex No. 1 of Tarnów- Mościce, Technical School Complex, Sports School Complex.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY continued the ‘Safety is Our Common Goal’ campaign, run jointly with the County Police Headquarters and the County Fire Service of Puławy since 2013, and designed to prepare children and youth to safely spend their time. In partnership with the Puławy Science and Technology Park, Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY organised fairs promoting science among children and youth as part of the Young Chemist’s Day, Lublin Science Festival, and Santa Claus Science Show.
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN ran another edition of environmental protection workshops for pupils of Kędzierzyn-Koźle elementary schools. The motto of the workshops was ‘How to live in harmony with Nature’. The company was also involved in the ‘A Young All-Chemist’ project for junior high school students in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The participating students are asked to prepare an interesting chemical experiment. Since 2006, Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN has organised the nationwide ‘Catch the Hare’ photo competition as part of the Responsible Care Programme.
In cooperation with schools and higher education institutions, Grupa Azoty POLICE has for a number years arranged training placements and internships for students. The company’s cooperation with local communities involves supporting educational initiatives and institutions at various levels, as well as scholarship programmes.
For a few years now, Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL has sponsored research scholarships for participants of the ‘Artystoteles’ contest, initiated and organised by the Staszów Chamber of Commerce. Regular financial support is also provided to Kindergarten No. 8 with integrated groups in Staszów.
Social and sponsorship initiatives for sports
- In 2015, Grupa Azoty S.A. launched the multi-year programme Grupa Azoty START – its original comprehensive sports and social project designed to discover young talents. The following initiatives have been undertaken as part of the Grupa Azoty START Programme: Climbing Development Programme, Basketball Development Programme, Speedway Development Programme, Handball Development Programme, Cross-Country Skiing Development Programme.
- The Group also supports numerous other nation-wide and local sporting events. According to experts, the Grupa Azoty brand created through consolidation has become one of the most visible brands in Polish sports, particularly in such disciplines as ski jumping, volleyball and speedway.
- As part of additional initiatives designed to advertise and promote its brand, the Group worked with individual athletes, such as Piotr Żyła (ski jumping), Janusz Kołodziej (speedway), and sports associations, clubs, and teams: Polish Ski Federation, the Unia Tarnów speedway team, the Tarnów Handball Association, the Unia Tarnów Sports Club (football), the Jedynka Tarnów Sports Club (women’s volleyball), MLKS Dąbrovia sports club (archery), Popular Interschool Students’ sports club at Junior High School No. 8 in Tarnów, and other. Moreover, Grupa Azoty became the Main Partner of the Odra Opole football club.
- Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY continued its involvement with the Azoty-Puławy and Wisła Puławy sports clubs. In 2016, the Azoty-Puławy men’s handball team, sponsored by the company, fought for top positions in the best league at the national level and represented Poland in European cups. Furthermore, Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY entered into cooperation with Górnik Łęczna, a Polish premier league football club.
- Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY also provided support to various associations of sports fans and enthusiasts. In 2016, the company teamed up with the Aeoroklub of Lublin in the organisation of Poland’s balooning championships in Nałęczów, cooperated with the Azoty Yacht Club of Puławy, which organises sailing courses and training camps in the Masurian Lake District and on the Vistula river, with the KYOKUSHIN Karate Club of Lublin, and with a number of local football clubs.
- Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN has been a long-standing Main Sponsor of a premier league volleyball team ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The company has also supported Bartłomiej Mróz, a parabadminton player. As far as amateur sports are concerned, Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN has provided support to a number of regional initiatives, including the ‘Chemik’ Sporting Society, Lewada Equestrian Club, Kluczbork Municipal Sports Club, as well as various projects undertaken for instance by the ‘Koziołek’ Sports Club or the Municipal Interschool Sports Club (in connection with the ‘Koziołki Pływackie’ championships).
- In 2016, Grupa Azoty POLICE continued its cooperation with MKS Pogoń Szczecin, a premier league football team, and with KPS Chemik Police, a top-ranking volleyball women’s club. The KPS Chemik Police team ended the 2015/2016 season very successfully, by winning the Championship of Poland for the third consecutive time and the Cup of Poland for the second time in a row. The team did credit to Polish clubs in the CEV European Champions League Women. Furthermore, Grupa Azoty POLICE initiated partnership with the Chemik Police Football Club to become its Main Partner.
- Grupa Azoty POLICE also sponsors regional amateur sports by providing financial assistance to the ‘WODNIK’ Students’ Swimming Club, ‘Champion’ Students’ Sports Club, ‘Ósemka’ Students’ Athletics Club, ‘Promień Police’ Athletics Club, and the Sports and Recreation Centre in Police.
Social and sponsorship initiatives for regional promotion and development
- In 2014, Grupa Azoty S.A. organised the first New Year’s Charity Concert, whose aim was to support the construction of the Via Spei hospice. Proceeds from the 2015 concert were donated to the Tarnów Branch of the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Association. Proceeds from the 2016 charity concert were donated to the Ich Lepsze Jutro Association. In 2017, proceeds from the concert were given to the Prometeusz Association for the Assistance to the Disabled Children and Their Families of Zbylitowska Góra.
- Grupa Azoty S.A. also supports the Tarnów Branch of the Polish Tourist Association, Society of the Friends of Mościce, the Tytus Chałubiński club of Polish Red Cross Honorary Blood Donors at Grupa Azoty S.A.
- Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN was involved in the organisation of the conference ‘Modern Technologies, Structures and Materials for the Chemical and the Power Industries’, combined with the nationwide Young Innovators Forum competition held by the Metalchem Industrial Park Association. The conference was devoted to development of the Polish chemical and power industries and to promising technologies.
- Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN also lent support to the World Entrepreneurship Day organised by the Kędzierzyn-Koźle Industrial Park, and to a conference focusing on restoration of navigability of the Oder river, held by the Ministry of Water Economy and Inland Navigation.
- Furthermore, the company supported the development of road infrastructure by contributing to the cost of repair of the district road in Mostowa street. The project was part of a broader effort to create safe and modern road infrastructure to provide the company’s trading partners and employees with convenient access to the company’s premises.
Social and sponsorship initiatives to promote protection of human life and health
Grupa Azoty S.A. supports the Centre for Children with Special Educational Needs in Zbylitowska Góra and the Ich Lepsze Jutro Association.
The Grupa Azoty Group engages in projects which contribute to improving the quality of medical care or promote healthy lifestyles. For instance, it offered assistance to the Tanowo Children’s Home, the Medical Institute in Szczecin, the Hospital Medical Centre in Goleniów, the Fundacja Dzieciom ‘Zdążyć z pomocą’ children’s foundation, and the St John the Evangelist Hospice Foundation.
Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL regularly provides substantial financial aid to a health care centre in Staszów (Samodzielny Publiczny Zespół Zakładów Opieki Zdrowotnej), supporting it in its efforts to replace medical equipment with new, modern devices. The company also participated in a charity campaign to raise funds to finance the treatment in the US of Staś Patrzałek from Staszów, a baby suffering from cancer of both eyeballs.
Social responsibility and sponsorship programmes for the chemical industry
Grupa Azoty joined a dozen or so Poland’s largest companies that founded the Polish National Foundation, whose mission is to promote and protect the image of Poland and the Polish economy, and to foster positive social reception of investment projects implemented by state-owned companies. The new organisation is to work with local communities, social and business institutions, and to undertake and finance social initiatives.
Grupa Azoty supports the Federation of Engineering Associations FSNT–NOT, the FSNT–NOT Tarnów Council, and the Tarnów Branch of the Polish Association of Chemical Engineers SITPChem.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY provided financial assistance to help with the organisation of the International Technological Seminar together with the Polish Association of Chemical Engineers SITPChem.
Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN supports the operations of the Kędzierzyn-Koźle Branch of the Polish Association of Chemical Engineers SITPChem, as well as selected events aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, carried out or organised by the Kędzierzyn-Koźle Industrial Park.
Corporate social responsibility
The Group’s CSR initiatives are related to:
- amateur sports, including:
- financial support mainly for: schools, youth clubs and associations, and initiatives undertaken using publicly available sports facilities,
- sponsorship of disabled athletes (including the Polish Paralympic Committee),
- support for sports initiatives in the region, seeking to ensure equal opportunities for all communities across the region,
- cultural initiatives, including mass cultural events,
- education, including public schooling,
- science and research projects furthering and promoting the history and tradition of Poland’s chemical industry and supporting its development,
- environmental initiatives,
- healthcare institutions providing services to employees and their families,
- social campaigns.
Scholarship programme at Grupa Azoty S.A.
The initiative launched in 2014 is addressed to students of the master’s programme of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the Cracow University of Technology. It provides for two scholarships of PLN 1,000 per month each. The scholarships will be awarded until the grantees complete the master’s programme and obtain a master’s degree in engineering, up to the age of 26.
Scholarships are awarded in accordance with the ‘Group Scholarship Policy’ as well as scholarship programmes and rules separately approved by management boards of individual Group companies. The competition winners receive scholarships of PLN 1,000 a month, are guaranteed employment at the Group, and are offered the opportunity to participate in joined projects conducted by scientific institutions and industrial organisations.
Scholarship programme at Grupa Azoty Kędzierzyn
In 2016, Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN granted 27 scholarships to the most talented students of School Complex No. 3 of Kędzierzyn-Koźle.
As the school’s chemical patron, Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN also donated the third piece of equipment to the school’s laboratory – this year it was the spectrophotometer VIS, which will be used for laboratory work during vocational classes on Chemical Analysis.
Scholarships are granted on the basis of the Grupa Azoty Group’s scholarship policy as well as scholarship programmes and Rules for Scholarship Granting, a separate document approved by the Company’s Management Board. Students of the school’s chemical forms are guaranteed the possibility of completing their work placements and learning one of their vocational subjects at Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN facilities.
Collaboration with educational institutions
Grupa Azoty S.A. actively supports its local community through partnership with educational institutions. The parent also works with scientific and research centres on joint educational initiatives. For several years now, it has been partnering with the Cracow University of Technology, particularly in running internship programmes, assisting in bachelor’s and master’s theses, student and doctoral placements and, more generally, in getting some of the greatest minds in the industry to educate students.
The partnership with the Cracow University of Technology involves the ‘Technology as a carrier of business’ seminar dedicated to students in the last semester of their master’s programmes at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the Cracow University of Technology. After the seminar conducted by practitioners employed with Grupa Azoty S.A. in Tarnów, all attendees receive a certificate.
Cooperation with the State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów includes organisation of student internships, diploma internships, workshops and laboratories at the Group’s business units, educational field-trips for students, and lectures given by Group experts.
Cooperation with the Technical School Complex of Tarnów includes: employment of ten school leavers each year, granting scholarships for best-performing students, sponsoring awards for olympiad, contest, and competition winners, organisation of work placements, preparation of dedicated instruction classes conducted by Grupa Azoty experts, organisation of educational field trips, organisation of teacher training in cutting-edge technologies, and co-financing purchases of teaching aids. The initiatives are implemented in partnership with the Ignacy Mościcki Foundation.
The Group was also a partner of the ‘We build the value of Polish Economy. Work for us!’ contest, organised by the Ministry of State Treasury, whose winner completed a three-month internship at Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY continued to support the Technical School Complex of Puławy, the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (its branch campus in Puławy) with respect to its Technical Chemistry programme, and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences with respect to a post-graduate course in trading in fertilizers and crop protection chemicals in sustainable agriculture. The company also sponsored scientific conferences, including the ‘Biodiversity in Areas Affected by Industrial Pollutants − Innovative Protection Methods’ conference organised by the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw.
Moreover, Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN partners with the Opole University of Technology and the University of Opole, offering help in organising work placements at the Company’s facilities and writing academic papers. As part of the cooperation, in 2016 an educational visit was organised for students of the Wrocław University of Technology’s Chemical Faculty who also take an engineering course in Chemical Technology.
Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL sponsored state-of-the-art equipment for the chemical laboratory at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński General Secondary School in Staszów, which enables the school to conduct university-level classes.
Grupa Azoty POLICE and the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin signed an agreement on workforce education, which is directly linked to the construction of a unit for propylene production based on propane dehydrogenation (PDH). The agreement will make it possible to train future employees for the project. Furthermore, as part of the cooperation, a laboratory was created to address the need to educate students in the field of olefin production processes. It will also be used to improve employee qualifications, mainly for the personnel of PDH Polska S.A., a special purpose vehicle of Grupa Azoty POLICE established to construct a propane dehydrogenation (PDH) unit.
Competitions and programmes
The Group launched the second edition of the ‘Grounded in knowledge’ programme. The aim of this three-year scheme is to promote optimum farm management, with particular focus on fertilizer application technologies. The programme envisages testing of 6,300 soil samples.
To showcase the importance of chemistry in our lives, in February 2016 the Group organised the ‘Chemistry is all around us’ arts competition, and thus invited children and teenagers to take part in an exciting and creative fun activity. The winners went on a trip to the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw.
The competition was addressed to primary and junior schools of those towns and cities where strategic Group companies, i.e. Grupa Azoty S.A., Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY, Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN, Grupa Azoty POLICE, and Grupa Azoty SIARKOPOL are located. Its purpose was to enhance the participants’ knowledge of the chemical sector, the role chemistry plays in everyday life.
Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY also participated in the activities of the Secretariat of the international Responsible Care Programme. In 2016, on the initiative of chemical companies, the twelfth ‘Tree for a Bottle’ campaign was held, addressed to children of the Puławy region.
Once again, the nationwide ‘Catch the Hare’ photo competition was organised for employees and children of employees of the companies participating in the Responsible Care Programme.
In 2016, Grupa Azoty POLICE celebrated 20 years of its participation in the Responsible Care programme, focusing on health protection, process safety, and environmental protection.