For the period 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 | For the period 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015* - restated | |
Loss on disposal of assets: | ||
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment | 5 575 | 5 076 |
5 575 | 5 076 | |
Recognised impairment loss on: | ||
Property, plant and equipment and perpetual usufruct right | 25 651 | 59 402 |
Investment property | - | 14 |
Intangible assets | 1 955 | 11 327 |
Goodwill | 2 493 | - |
Other receivables | 1 478 | - |
Other | 405 | 1 220 |
31 982 | 71 963 | |
Other expenses: | ||
Maintenance of investment property | 9 278 | 13 617 |
Fines and compensations | 5 857 | 6 356 |
Maintenance of installations not in use | 2 752 | 4 590 |
Breakdown recovery expenses | 8 094 | 13 863 |
Provisions recognised | 17 720 | 11 416 |
Loss on remeasurement of investment property | - | 1 035 |
Inventories and intangible assets written-off | 15 979 | - |
Other (aggregated insignificant items) | 22 905 | 6 611 |
82 585 | 57 488 | |
120 142 | 134 527 |
* Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.
The most significant item of other operating expenses is the impairment loss on property, plant and equipment impairment of PLN 25 589 thousand (2015: 59 226 thousand). The detailed description was presented in Note 10. As further described in point 2.3 and in Note 12, in 2015, an impairment loss concerning evaluation and exploration of mineral resources Lam Lam of PLN 10 222 thousand was recognised. Inventories and intangible assets written-off comprise the following assets, which have been written-off by the subsidiary African Investment Group S.A.:
- intangible assets concerning exploration and evaluation of Kayar and St Louis deposits of PLN 5 141 thousand,
- phosphates inventories of PLN 10 838 thousand.
The significant item of other expenses are breakdown recovery expenses of PLN 8 094 thousand (2015: PLN 13 863 thousand). Breakdown recovery expenses were partly offset by the compensation received (presented in other income).
Provisions recognised of PLN 17 720 thousand (2015: PLN 11 416 thousand) comprise, inter alia, recognition of provisions for environment protection and for technical advice concerning the phosphates deliveries from Senegal further described in note 25.
Other aggregated items in other operating expenses include PLN 7 000 thousand relating to payment made to Polish National Foundation’s initial fund.