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Annual Report 2016


  As at 31.12.2016 As at 31.12.2015* restated
Trade receivables - related entities 3 278
Trade receivables - other entities 762 616 719 876
Tax receivables other than current tax assets 194 628 242 305
Construction contracts in progress - other entities 1 797 2 619
Advances paid for property, plant and equipment – other entities 51 186 52 512
Advances paid for the supply of materials, merchandises and services – other entities 17 616 36 426
Prepayments – other entities 29 425 28 156
Other receivables - related entities 935 29
Other receivables - other entities 21 449 21 108
  1 079 655 1 103 309
Non-current 6 259 7 023
Current 1 073 396 1 096 286
  1 079 655 1 103 309

 * Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Impairment losses

  For the period 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 For the period 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015
Balance at the beginning of the period 63 479 74 324
Recognised 32 544 8 057
Reversed (6 962) (10 117)
Used (8 556) (8 785)
Balance at the end of the period 80 505 63 479
Non-current 513 1 856
Current 79 992 61 623
  80 505 63 479

Impairment losses on receivables were recognised as it was probable they would not be collectible. Changes to impairment losses on trade receivables (recognition, reversals) are recognised in the statement of profit or loss as selling expenses and other costs by kind. Changes to impairment losses on other receivables and from leases are recognised in the statement of profit or loss as other income or expense (receivable principal) and finance income or expense (accrued interest).

A significant item of impairment recognised for receivables is an impairment loss of XOF 3 021 228 thousand (PLN 20 191 thousand as at 31 December 2016) recognised for the overdue receivables concerning sales to the Senegalese customer performed in 2014.

Not impaired trade receivables ageing

  As at 31.12.2016 As at 31.12.2015* restated
Not past due 715 567 639 773
Past due to 60 days 36 485 55 825
Past due 60-180 days 7 424 23 522
Past due 180-360 days 1 432 741
Past due more than 360 days 1 711 293
  762 619 720 154

 * Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Impaired trade and other receivables ageing structure

  As at 31.12.2016 As at 31.12.2015
Not past due 1 502 1 263
Past due to 60 days 676 409
Past due 60-180 days 3 051 1 801
Past due 180-360 days 4 159 1 669
Past due more than 360 days 71 117 58 337
  80 505 63 479

 Receivables currency structure

  As at 31.12.2016 As at 31.12.2015* restated
PLN 636 071 670 986
EUR translated to PLN 320 145 295 525
USD translated to PLN 114 595 108 193
XOF translated to PLN 8 793 28 605
Other 51 -
  1 079 655 1 103 309
Non-current 6 259 7 023
Current 1 073 396 1 096 286
  1 079 655 1 103 309

* Financial information restated as presented in point 2.3 of the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Both trade and tax receivables do not bear interest.

Trade receivables in the amount of PLN 6 712 thousand (31 December 2015: PLN 10 763 thousand) secure the Group’s loans.


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